I have so many thoughts today that my brain is just spinning. First of all, I missed everyone yesterday, but my eyes needed a break from the computer screen. I'm surprised that when people look at my eyes that there isn't a reflection of a computer screen burned into them. I work all day (which I love), leave school between 5:00-6:45 most days, then come home and try to create/blog and whatever else I may need to do. That being said, last night I decided to take a night off.
Today was a pretty interesting day. My team and I had a 2 1/2 hour meeting with our principal. Yes, I know, that sounds awful, but it wasn't at all. One of my teammates grabbed breakfast from Panera for us (Pumpkin bagels are amazing!), donuts, and drinks (Including Coke). Can you tell my teammate knows the way to my stomach? Then, my principal started off by telling us this wasn't to add to our workload. She just thought this program was pretty great and wanted to give us something extra to have in our toolbox. She also wanted us to see how to do it and start to get a feel for what we may want ordered to use in our classrooms. That seemed to immediately put all of us at ease. I love it when our administrators manage to take stress off of us.
While watching the DVD, we also had manipulatives to use , so that really helped. We were able to do the activities with her as she did them, so we could see exactly how it worked. It sounds crazy, but I'm really looking forward to using it next year. Everything I saw made a lot of sense, and of course, now my mind is thinking of all sorts of things I want to get or make. Oh, I almost forgot our training was number line training. I left my packet at school, but I will put the name of the lady tomorrow and I think I have a link to her site. I promise you, I typically don't buy into a program without a lot of thought, but this one seems simple enough and honestly, it really does seem like something you would see on Pinterest or just something you would use to enhance your lesson.

Now, onto what I know you really want to hear about - Disney the elf! Well, yesterday went great. The kids came in and I don't think I've ever heard them so excited and so inquisitive. They were asking tons of questions - Where did he get the toilet paper? How did he leave red footprints? How did he get stuck? They also were coming up with a lot of ideas on what he was doing. I think at this point my entire class fully believes that elves can fly. The worst part was when I accidentally dropped him. I didn't actually touch him, but he fell. I was quickly informed that he was going to tell Santa. It took a few minutes, but I finally figured out how to get him up without touching him.

Then, today was even better. Apparently, elves like to read because Disney grabbed all of his classroom friends and was reading a Christmas book to them. The funniest part about this was it was REALLY evident where he was, but one of my little girls kept looking everywhere. I kept thinking, "Doesn't a stool covered with animals stand out?" Of course, this same kid is the one asking, "Did you put him there?" "How did he get the book?" I think tomorrow I will make a point of going in the classroom after my kids. That way they realize I couldn't have done it. Oh, the things we do to try to keep things fun.

By the way, tomorrow is going to be pretty great! Disney decided to turn the room into a putt putt course. The biggest problem with that is Disney isn't good at putt putt and managed to spread 40 balls all around the room. I can't wait to hear what my kids think about that. Here are the pictures I took before I left this afternoon. I will give you an update tomorrow on their reactions.

Last thing, if you've never put lights up in your room, you really should. I finished putting lights up today and it looks great! The kids love them and it just adds to my room. I know most teachers think it's a distraction, but I've done it every year for 7 or 8 years and it's never been an issue with my kids.
Alright, time to go watch my Atlanta Falcons and then get ready for a Fantabulous Friday!
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