Now, I'm in pajamas and I'm going to give you a rundown of our Comprehension Day. It went great yesterday and the costumes turned out really cute. I do have a few things I learned though.
1. When you have dark pink shirts, you should get the dark shirt iron-on labels from Office Depot. I got the light colored ones, so the iron ons turned out cute, but I think they could've been a little cuter.
2. Make sure you know how to take an image and make it backwards. It took me a little while to figure that one out since I've never created shirts using a Mac.
3. When you go to iron the cut outs onto the shirt, don't accidentally touch the iron on with the iron after you peel the backing off :) I knew better, but one of the corners came up just a little, so I was trying to "help" it. Fortunately, the iron had turned itself off or I would've been up a creek.
Outside of those three little things, they turned out great! Plus it was a cheap project. You can get shirts for $4 at Michael's, hats for $2, pipe cleaners for $2, and foam for ears for $.29. I took the pipe cleaners and bent them into the shape I wanted. Then, I traced them onto the foam and cut it out. Each ear took 3 little pieces of foam. I wish I had taken pictures, but I did the shirts first, so by then, I was ready to be done. Pictures were far from my mind. I will try to take a picture of the ear later and post it. We also got snouts from Party City for $1. The most expensive thing was the iron on printable packet from Office Depot. That was around $15.
In case you have a fairy tale day coming up, I'm attaching a link to the file I created for what we used for our shirts. Here's a picture of how one of the printable sheets looked. Be sure to print them on regular paper first so you know it's what you want. Click here to get a copy of my fairy tale shirt creations.
I begged my teammates and since they are awesome, they agreed to let me post a couple of pictures. The wolf is played by one of my first grade students :) You wouldn't believe what a sweet little face is behind the big, bad wolf.
By the way, since I wear glasses, every time I put the pig nose on, they would fog up - it was quite entertaining! The first picture, I took myself with the iPad. It's definitely easier to let someone else take the pictures. I doubt I would've looked quite as cross-eyed if I had help :)
My other teammates were Tinkerbell (She got tulle, ribbon, a green shirt, and wings), The Cowgirl and the Pea a.k.a. The Princess and the Pea, and a queen. It went great and the kids really seemed to enjoy themselves. The best part was since we waited until after Halloween if our students needed something to wear, they were able to find it 50% off.
Anyway, I'm off to create some stuff :) I'm leaning towards getting started on my Jack and the Beanstalk unit. Then, I'm going to create some Thanksgiving word problem sheets, fact family sheets, and some dictionary skills sheets. I know... that's a conglomerate of stuff, but those are the standards I need to cover and if I throw in a little clip art it doesn't feel quite as much like work :)
Have a great Tuesday and hopefully I will be giving you a few freebies later tonight or sometime tomorrow :)
How cute! I bet the kids really enjoyed it! :)
It went great! It worked out well because when we planned our fairy tale rotations we didn't know we were going to have a school wide Comprehension Day, too. It was simple and I have to say my test scores were great the two weeks we did fairy tales :).