Friday I had a date night with my husband where we ate at 5 Guys, ran to Old Navy (I needed a Christmas shirt), and braved Walmart. Around the time we got home, I got that sick feeling. You know the one where you realize that you better get rest or you are going to go down fast. I took a Benadryl, went to bed, and discovered the next morning that it wasn't allergies, but a cold. I should have known that when my class went through three boxes of tissues in three days last week that it was coming, but I've been taking vitamins and vitamins fight everything, right? Um, no. They just held off the inevitable.

Needless to say, I don't have any new creations for this weekend. I caught up on Survivor and watched a couple of Hallmark movies, but my energy is zapped. Hopefully, I will have a few things tomorrow or Tuesday. I did get pictures of Disney before I left Friday. I wanted to think of something quick and simple, but crazy. I spotted a leftover bag of Panera chips in my lunch bag and thought that could be fun. I emptied it out and put soap and water inside of it. I washed it out until it didn't feel greasy, then dried it out. I took Disney and curled him into a ball and stuck him inside. Then, I ran tape along the top of it. Once I was done, I dropped it into the snack bucket for Monday. We always throw extra snacks in the bucket for kids that don't bring them from home. My TA lets the kids pick numbers and the student with the closest number gets the extra snack. This will be an easy one. What's going to be funny is watching my kids look for him tomorrow. Hopefully, I will remember to give my TA a heads up in the morning. I would hate for him to pop out and someone accidentally "touch" him.
Yesterday, we had our annual Pancake Breakfast and sing-a-long. I always enjoy it because I get to see lots of people. I ended up helping get the tables ready and collecting tickets. The line for pancakes was out the door. The good news is it was moving very fast. I think we managed to serve 300 people in 30 minutes. The best part was I was back home in plenty of time for my afternoon nap.
As for today, I did nothing. I felt awful last night, so I decided to stay home all day and rest. I always feel bad when I do that on Sunday because I know I'm supposed to do check-in at church, but I try to tell myself no one is going to want someone coughing and sneezing all over everything. I was also supposed to go to another church after check-in to see one of my favorite kids get baptized. However, I hate being that person that coughs all the way through the service. So, I sent two text this morning and I ended up staying home and taking 3 naps. Yes, I'm serious - three naps. Obviously, a cold isn't going to be gone in a day, but I do feel a little better.

Hope you will check in tomorrow and see what else Disney has done. The picture to the left is not something I ever plan on doing, but my husband found it and I thought it was pretty funny. I prefer my hubby with ALL of his hair, so he has nothing to worry about anytime soon.
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