Oh, by the way, before I forget, I have to show you what I got to paint this morning. It was so much fun. I was on stage painting and it looked like I was painting with white on a white canvas. You couldn't see anything. Then, the song finishes and "Bam!" black lights kicked on and you have this. The picture was better in person, but this will give you an idea. I also painted a ton of shirts with black light paint. By the way, when you go to sit back down, it's a good idea to remember when you are carrying around wet paint. The thing I had paint on was glowing, so I threw my iPad on top to cover it up. Yep. The next trip to the skating rink should be pretty interesting. I went to the restroom and washed it off, but there is no way I got it all.
While we are talking about paint, I have to admit I am the world's worst at wearing flip flops and not thinking to check my toenails to make sure that the paint hasn't chipped. So, one day this week I got to school and discovered I had 5 of my tiny toes missing a good deal of paint. If this ever happens to you, look through your Sharpie collection. Even now you can't tell which toes have bright pink Sharpie and which ones were painted with polish.
Okay, those are my goofy stories for the day. Now I have a few things to share. First up is my newest set of freebies. My kids can subtract, but they are having just a little bit of trouble with 2-digit subtraction. I made three worksheets to practice. Here's the catch. You have to go to my FB page to download them. You can click on my 1st Grade Fantabulous at the top of this page or you can click below this paragraph or any of the freebie pages and it will take you there.

Stay tuned! I will hopefully have my Top 10 Mother's Day Ideas post later :)
I love the Sharpie nail polish idea! That is so funny!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the freebies!
Compassionate Teacher
I really need to get my nails touched up but I was not going out in the rainy weather we had all weekend! Sharpies might have to do the trick for me!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the freebies!