Alright, so here it goes. I'm kind of skipping one step, but I think Jess will forgive me. She has a sheet for five resolutions, but I figured I'd use her headers and just come up with a resolution for each of the headers. Oh, and if you want to read more, you can click on the 2014 Goals button to go to her blog and read what some of your other favorite bloggers have written. Just scroll to the bottom of her blog.
Don't we all want to lose a little weight? Well, most of us? That's definitely my goal. I want to try to not eat quite as much junk food and use that gym membership a little more. Although can I tell you guys a secret? I don't think I'll use the membership in January. The gym is a little crazy then (at least that's what I hear).
I'm not really sure. I know it sounds crazy, but I really like being at home. Sure sometimes I think about going places, but traveling other than around my own state and maybe to the beach is just not my thing. Hmmm… if I have to answer, I guess I would pick Nashville or Florida.
That's a good one because I'm a little picky, but I'll try anything once, even twice. I've tried a lot of foods. I mean I eat sushi regularly and I'm really not into trying anything you see on reality t.v. I guess at some point I should try tofu, guacamole (again), and maybe a new type of fish. Right now, I only like catfish and salmon, but that's because I'm never adventurous enough to try another fish. Oh, and don't suggest tilapia. I won't touch it!
Goodness! I feel like I learn something new every day! If I could learn anything new, it would be to take incredible pictures like Katie Knight or Cara Carroll. I'm pretty certain that requires a good camera, so I need to probably get that before I learn. I just love looking at blogs that have incredible pictures.
Mmmhhmmm… I'd say Coke, but I don't actually want to give it up. I should give it up, but a cold Coca Cola is how I deal with good news, bad news, fun news, vacations, school, creating… lol… you get the point. I think I may try to give up volunteering for anything and everything. I'm not giving up volunteering. I'm just going to try to not overdo it quite so much.
Blogging is definitely on the list. Boy, I let it slide the last few months. I also want to spend more time cooking and cleaning. Yes, I know… who wants to do that? The thing is though I spend A LOT of time creating and working. Sometimes I need to slow down and remember that there is a world outside of my craft room. It's called "the rest of my house".
So, when I started TPT, I did it because I wanted to be able to do more for my kids at school. I'd really like to get a couple of iPads for my classroom and get Backpack Buddies at my school. Backpack Buddies is a project where backpacks are filled with food that kids can open and they take them home on the weekends. They are for kids that may be homeless or not have adults that make sure they have what they need. It only takes seeing a kid have nothing one time for this to matter to you. So, that's what I want to accomplish.
Alright, thanks for reading. Happy New Years in six minutes! Hope you guys have a great night and be safe!

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