New Year's Freebies

I never know how to start after I haven't blogged for several weeks.  It's kind of funny because I always have good blogging intentions and then it just doesn't work out the way it looks in my head.  Then, I think, "If I am sick, trying to plan parties and fun school stuff, and have this constant feeling that I can't keep up, then I bet my blog followers are in the same boat."  So, that's what I'm telling myself.

Now that I'm through Christmas and a whole lot of crud, I have an old freebie I thought I'd share.  I made it last year, but just completely revamped it.  Last year, the backgrounds were black, but then I heard from a few sweet home school parents that explained that they can't afford to burn through ink that fast.  So, here's my new and improved New Year's packet.

Hope you will check it out and if you can, leave me a little feedback.  Oh, and my store is on sale through Sunday, so if there is something you've been wanting to get, then be sure to check it out when you download the freebie.

Alright, have a great Friday!  I am off to eat a little bit of Chex Mix and work on a few projects.


  1. Could you please FedEx some Chex mix? My husband is really bummed I didn't make any this year...but I hate ending up with three open boxes of cereal he won't eat after I make the mix!

    So glad you thought of changing the backgrounds on your New Year packet...was just going through my January things and loved yours, so moved it to the top of my "print list" glad I didn't do it yet!

    Glad you are feeling better!

  2. I downloaded this & already printed & laminated it! Thanks so much. I really appreciate your generosity! Carol
