St. Patrick's Day Extravaganza

This will not be a long post, but I have been trying to keep up with updating my packets.  My latest two updates are my St. Patrick's Day printables and my Lucky Leprechaun Math task cards.

In my printables, I mostly just changed out clip art.  Here are a few of the pages so you can see what you are grabbing.  You can click on any of the images to go grab them.

Now, I majorly overhauled my task cards.  With the kindergarten task cards, I slightly adjusted the sheets.  The actual tasks were still fine.  With first grade I adjusted several of the activities.  Before they were repeats of some of the kindergarten or second grade activities.  Now, they are completely different.  I also did the same thing with second grade.  Even though the cards say K, 1, 2 these tasks can easily be used to differentiate.   You can click on any of the images below to go grab them on TPT.

Have a great Thursday!

1 comment

  1. Hello- I was wondering if when you do an update on a unit if you also update the bundle. I bought your bundle in January with the March printables. I just went & checked & there wasn't an update showing. Just curious. Thanks, Carol
