I have to say, I was thinking this morning about what I would put since I kind of took lots of naps, watched lots of Hallmark movies, and ate lots of food. I was seriously pretty lazy, but it was very much needed. I decided I would pull some of my favorite Christmas ideas and freebies :) Hope you enjoy and that this saves you a little time!
December Book Reports are always a huge hit with my kiddos, so here you go.
Do you know what you are doing for your parent gifts yet? I've made these ornaments and reindeer bags the last few years. The kids LOVE doing them and overall, they are pretty easy. I grabbed all the supplies at Michaels. If you decide to do them, make sure you check and see if you got plastic or glass ornaments. There's a big difference when one rolls off the table. Trust me! Also, I would go grab the ornaments ASAP. They always seem to sell out pretty quickly. Oh, and don't forget that Michaels will give you a teacher's discount if you show them your badge.
Do you watch Polar Express every year? Well, we usually do it the week before we get out for Christmas. One of my favorite things to do are writing activities that tie into what is interesting to my kids at the time. Oriental Trading has these great train stickers! I order them every year and my kids have to write about their train, where they would go, who would go with them , etc. It's a fun, little writing activity and they LOVE getting to do anything that includes stickers.
Last, but not least, here are a few fun math printables that you may like. A funny story about these is I drew them around ten years ago - long before I knew Teachers Pay Teachers existed. I have a hard time focusing in meetings if I'm not drawing or writing, so I drew them in a meeting. I know that's probably not good to admit, but honestly, as long as I'm drawing I hear every word someone is saying.
If you are out shopping today, be safe and have fun!

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