Fake Snow Fun

I'm linking up with Miss DeCarbo's Wordless Wednesday.  To view more link ups, feel free to click her button.

My friend Sharing Kindergarten posted that she had gotten fake snow off of Amazon.  Usually, I use conditioner and baking soda to make fake snow, but I decided to try this Friday.  One container made an entire pan.  Oh, and if you do this, know you can add a little more water than it says to add.  Tons of fun!

Have a great Wednesday!


  1. We do this same activity, only using the polymers out of diapers. My students think it is gross/hilarious that we are playing with diapers and that we make snow with it! :)

  2. I used this for the first time during summer school this past year. I had K-6th grade students at various times use it. They ALL loved it.
