We did St. Patrick's Day centers in my classroom the week of St. Patrick's Day. Below are some of the pictures I took, so you can see what they looked like. If you are interested in some new centers, you can click on one of the two images below to go grab them from my TPT store.
What's a holiday without a fun snack? I found this cute little freebie over at What the Teacher Wants. I grabbed Lucky Charms and the labels from the stores. My kids were in Heaven :) You can click on the images to go grab the freebie from What the Teacher Wants. Be sure to tell them thanks :)
Oh, and if you need a reason to do a snack, here's a small freebie that allows your kids to graph the Lucky Charms. I also included the writing pages I used with the self-directed drawing freebie.
If your team gets along as well as mine, then you probably enjoy having matching team shirts. This is a quick one I made using my Cameo for us to wear for St.Patrick's Day.
Hope you had an awesome St. Patrick's Day!

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