That being said, I do love teaching commas and this is one of my favorite lessons that I do each year. All you need is a few beginner comma printables (which I will provide below), some highlighters, bottled glue, and elbow macaroni. If you are like me, you already have access to most of this stuff at school. The only thing I had to buy was elbow macaroni and it was pretty cheap.
Before we started the activity, I did the first sentence under a Ladibug. This allowed my kids to see my expectations. I always teach my kids to highlight the words that are in the series. Then, we talk about how many commas they will need to put and I show them how to glue the commas into place.
Here are some pictures of our activity. Feel free to click on any of the images to go grab the printables I used for this activity. I know they are simple, but they do the job :)

Disclaimer - I know that some schools don't put the comma before and anymore, but at my school we still do.
What a fun idea and one that's memorable for the kids!