So, with it leading into summer, I'm sure that if you are like me, you are having parents start to ask what to do about the summer slide. I know I've had it mentioned several times.
If you are looking for something for Pre-K through 2nd Grade, I have summer packets. Each summer packet includes 10 weeks of language arts, reading, and math skills. Since it is summer, it is set up for three pages of math and three pages of language arts/reading a week. Below are examples of my packets. Please feel free to click on any of the images to find them in my store.
Also, one thing that my team in first grade did was summer buckets. We sent home a list with our students, and parents sent in different things to put in the summer buckets. We made sure there were little sharpeners, pencils, and crayons for our kids so they could do the summer packets. We also made sure that they had other items as seen in the photo and the list below.
Now you may be thinking, "What about third grade?" I still have not created a third grade packet, but I did give my students an assignment for summer last year. In our school, each student in upper grades is assigned a Chromebook. Our kids even keep them over the summer. So, I used Google Classroom and I assigned them work there. I mostly gave them packets that could be done using Google Slides. Many of the online assignments I assigned were created by Glitter in Third on TPT. So, if you're looking for someone with solid packets, she has them. With moving to third, I needed to find things that aligned to standards and hers have been some of the best. She also has a wide array of activities which was nice.
Anyway, hope everyone has a fabulous Saturday! If where you live is like here, then it might be a slightly yellow Saturday!

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