Teacher Planners

Do you like to have your calendar, lesson plans, and data organized? I know I do! The last few days I've worked on updating my Teacher Planner packets. While doing this, I decided I wanted to add a few updates to them. These updates made the packets go from around 120 pages to 220 (or more) pages.

If you are like me, you like previews. Below are some previews of what I included. Within the previews you will see that there are two different year calendars, lesson plan pages, loads of forms for students, parents, notes, and so much more. 

Within the packets, there are two versions - one version is editable and one version is a PDF. With the editable version, most (not all) pages allow you to make some adjustments. The backgrounds, titles, and images will not move, but other things do allow you to make changes. There are some pages that are not editable mixed into the editable version. I did this to make things a little easier. This way, you will not have to go to the PDF version to grab a page that you may like. 

Also, I know we all have different personalities which means we all also like different colors, looks, etc. I have created four different Teacher Planner sets and each set has one or two different schemes and a set of black and white pages for those that do not want to use their colored ink on newsletters. Below are the different packets I have available. If you click on the images, it will lead you to my TPT store.

Still not sure if this is what you need? Here are a few pages for free. If you click the pages below, it will take you to a free download.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at 1stGradeFantabulous@gmail.com. I hope everyone has a great week!

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